The Weather Outside Is Frightful!
4/16/2018 (Permalink)
If you weren't lucky enough to be in a warm and tropical climate over the past weekend, you saw Mother Nature doing her best to remind everyone, just who says it is officially spring! In some Wisconsin towns, as much as 30" of snow was dumped on everyone. The Dairy state seen everything from, rain, sleet, lightning and thunder, high winds, and most definitely saw plenty of snow! With the snow, and rain comes many issues that can effect your home and business.
Remember to clear snow away from your vents, in order to keep from blocking them and causing deadly gases from building up in your home. Clear off your roof to help lessen the wait that heavy snow and ice can cause. Salt your steps and sidewalks to help prevent slips and falls. When running your vehicles to warm up, remember to open the garage door for proper ventilation.
Although lightning can happen at anytime, the chances are rare with winter like weather. No matter what time of the year lightning happens, here's some safety tips.
- HAve a lightning safety plan, and cancel or postpone outdoor activities if thunderstorms are expected.
- If you do get caught outside, avoid high grounds, open spaces, and all metal objects including electric wires, fences, etc. Seek shelter in a substantial building or a fully enclosed metal vehicle.
- If you are indoors, stay away from doors and windows. Do not use the telephone. Consider unplugging computers, power tools, and tv sets. Lightning may strike exterior electric/phone lines, inducing shocks to inside equipement.
Source for lightning tips are from the National Weather Service.